What Can I Do?

Your partner just broke the news to you that she may be pregnant, try not to overreact! It’s normal to feel shocked and scared, but remember that she, too, is facing an overwhelming situation. Put yourself in her shoes and try to understand her side of things. Bottom line is, remain calm. Don’t burn bridges by saying something today that you’ll regret tomorrow. Though it may be hard to imagine, good can come from this. Live one moment at a time.

She can’t read your mind. She’ll need to hear you say:

  • “I’m here for you and will help you in whatever way I can.”
  • “It’s not what we planned, but it will be okay.”
  • “We will get through this together.”

Even though your lives have been catapulted into unknown territory, remember that many people have successfully done this before you.  As others hear the news, you will receive varied reactions and opinions.  However, you are not obligated to act on every suggestion made by others.  What you are going through is not easy.  There are no simple answers.  Face the situation together.  Talk with each other openly and honestly, but also respect each other’s need for time and space.

You may be tempted to say, “Whatever you choose, I’ll support you.”  But this could make your girlfriend feel that she has to chart her course alone.  Supporting her through this process can be invaluable to your relationship. 

Encourage her to get the support she needs.Life Choices can help you look at the future and make a plan – a plan that you can live with.  You can either impact their future with hope or with sadness.  The choice is yours. Choose to be involved in your child’s life.

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