A word from our CEO

Steve Coplon

Become an extension of our compassionate care for women and babies.


Get Involved

Throughout our history, volunteers have made the difference in our ability to help women make life-affirming decisions. Your willingness to use your gifts and talents is an answer to our prayers!

Reaching those whose need us most

Your donations provide resources allowing us to be as accessible as possible. Strategic marketing and web presence are made possible by kind donors.

Build your Family through Adoption

As an established licensed adoption agency, let us guide you through the journey of welcoming a newborn into your family by providing ongoing support every step of the way.


Financial integrity and godly stewardship have always been top priorities in our ministry. By your gift, you become an extension of our compassionate care for women and babies.

Life Choices Pregnancy Medical Clinic does not provide or refer for any abortion procedure.  We do not prescribe birth control.  Information is provided as an educational service and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.

RSVP Today!

You can now RSVP for the Banquet online - just let us know your name, any guests, and an email address.