Donate Today


 Through your generous giving, Life Choices is serving young women in crisis each year. As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.

In-Kind Gifts

Call (901) 388-1172 to let us know how you would like to donate your in kind gifts.

 Commit to being a
Life Connector


Life Connectors are committed monthly partners with Life Choices, giving at least $50 a month and taking financial action to help save lives, spare hearts and further the Gospel. Every year, one Life Connector helps us cover the costs of THREE CLIENTS we serve in our ministry!

We need you to join our team!

Follow the link and check the ‘ongoing’ tab as you sign in.

RSVP Today!

You can now RSVP for the Banquet online - just let us know your name, any guests, and an email address.