Three of the principles that guide the ministry of Life Choices are:

  • Every encounter with a client is a “Divine Appointment”
  • The importance of an ongoing “Client Relationship”
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only “Living Hope”

This year we are likely to have over 3,000 client encounters.  Each of these is a unique “Divine Appointment.”  Daily, we pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading in each of these encounters – so that God’s love and grace can be applied to the unique needs of each individual who comes to us for care.

Last year we reconstructed our client services team with several priorities – one of these was to ensure more ongoing connectedness to each client.  The new plan is working well.  We are maintaining ongoing contact with our clients better than ever.  The programs “Baby Prep” and “Empowerment” are being used to build “Relationships.”  This ensures that life affirming decisions are maintained until birth (and after) and that the ministry of God’s love is conveyed over and over again – leading to more certainty of discipleship and growth in grace.

The priority of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and deed is essential to all that we do at Life Choices.  Every week there are reports of women who have heard the gospel and responded in faith to receive Christ.  Not too long ago, a dear woman received Christ and she became part of the “Empowerment” program.  She has been a living example of true discipleship feeding on the Word of God, ways of God, and desire to obey the Lord.  We are grateful for many like her who make life affirming decisions for their babies and for eternal life found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Whether we are caring for…

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Families that are seeking to adopt
  • Women who are post abortion

…Life Choices seeks to convey the grace of God and love of Christ.  We appreciate your ongoing prayers for us and ask that they continue as we face the challenges of a spiritual battle for so many.


Thank you,

Steve Coplon, CEO

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